Glances – An eye on your system

Glances is a cross-platform monitoring tool which aims to present a large amount of monitoring information through a curses or Web based interface. The information dynamically adapts depending on the size of the user interface.

Laravel 7 is now released!

Laravel 7 is now released and includes many new features including Laravel Airlock, better routing speed, custom Eloquent casts, Blade component tags, fluent string operations, a new HTTP client, CORS support, and many more features.

npm is joining GitHub

npm is a critical part of the JavaScript world. The work of the npm team over the last 10 years, and the contributions of hundreds of thousands of open source developers and maintainers, have made npm home to over 1.3 million packages with…

Share a speed test script

Many times, the first thing we buy a VPS is to run the configuration the first time, test the network, IO, memory, disk, and see if there are any problems. So for basic operations, Qiushui's is enough, but sometimes we need more…